Adhyayan Inclusive Learning Centre: Empowering Minds and Embracing Diversity in South Delhi

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In the bustling urban landscape of South Delhi, lies a transformative education hub – the Adhyayan Inclusive Learning Centre. Founded with a noble vision to provide equitable and inclusive education for all, the centre has become a beacon of hope for students with diverse learning needs. This article delves into the significant work of Adhyayan Inclusive Learning Centre, shedding light on its initiatives, services, methodologies, and impact on the community it serves. Founded in 1996 by Mr. Rajeev Bhatt along with a group of passionate educators, Adhyayan Inclusive Learning Centre was born from a profound desire to create an educational space where every child, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or learning challenges, could thrive and reach their full potential. 

Inspired by the philosophy of inclusivity, the founders, till today, work on envisioning a nurturing environment. One that profoundly promotes empathy, acceptance, sensitizing and spreading awareness while embracing the diversity in today’s world. The centre provides multiple services including Special education, Language and Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Behaviour Modification, Early Intervention, Counselling and Assessment for children with Autism, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and other learning disabilities along with vocational courses and educational assistance for all school children from Age 9 – 18. With the coming together of an expert and dedicated team of highly skilled professionals including Speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, ABA practitioner, counsellors and educators, holding an unwavering commitment to create a free and safe space, it strives to pave a brighter future for all its students while emphasizing on Learning rather than Teaching.

Mr Rajeev Bhatt is a Psychologist, Learning Disabilities expert and a renowned author of the books Decoding Dyslexia and Decoding Autism as well as a prominent figure in the field of Mental health, having relentlessly worked in it for over 25 years. Not only has a lot of his work been acknowledged by various leading newspapers and magazines; He also writes a column in Times of India, “DECODING DISABILITIES” and is a regular TV figure for a Talk show on Career counselling and mental health – “Aap aur Hum.” Recently awarded by the Rotary Club for his contributions in the field of learning disabilities, Mr. Rajeev Bhatt’s success stories age back to 1996, when the first ever Dyslexic child in the history of CBSE, Bawa Aditya, his student, was awarded by then Prime Minister, Shri. I. K. Gujral for his academic achievement; who now runs a successful hotel business in Goa. Going on, another of his student, Shubhang Rath of DPS, Vasant Kunj had made history by gaining highest scores in Grade 12 Boards and yet another student, Anandini Malhotra, a Cancer survivor and severely Dyslexic child, under his guidance was awarded by HRD ministry after achieving 90 percent marks in 12th CBSE 2016 examination.

But this tale does not end here. At the core of Adhyayan’s success lies its innovative and adaptive teaching methodologies. Understanding that the traditional one-size-fits-all approaches are not suitable for students with diverse learning needs, the centre dedicates itself to employ a multi-dimensional approach tailored to each student’s unique requirements after a full-length assessment.

  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): Adhyayan designs personalized IEPs for every student, taking into account their strengths, challenges, and learning styles, ensuring that each student receives the necessary support to excel in their own academic journey.
  • Sensory Integration Techniques: For students with sensory processing difficulties, Adhyayan utilizes sensory integration techniques to help them develop better self-regulation and cope with sensory challenges effectively.
  • Project-Based Learning: The centre allows its students to explore topics of interest in-depth, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  • Collaborative Learning: Adhyayan enables its students to learn from and support one another, fostering a sense of belongingness, actively encouraging collaborative learning environments.

Finally, the centre also recognizes the significance of holistic support and the active involvement of parents in their children’s educational journey. Regular meetings, workshops, and parent-teacher interactions are conducted, adhering to both Transparency and Confidentiality in order to provide a platform for parents to share their insights, while educators to offer guidance and strategies for fostering a conducive learning environment at home too. Additionally, the centre also collaborates with the local community and schools, to promote awareness and acceptance of inclusive education. While graduates from Adhyayan have gone on to excel in various fields, becoming confident and independent individuals, the centre remains as a guiding light, by breaking the barriers and misconceptions surrounding the children with special need and their education, preparing them to embrace their individuality, grow academically, emotionally, socially and also face the world with resilience.

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